Comparing 2 Locations in Windows Phone 7

If you are using Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Maps.Platform.Location in your WP7 application and you want to see if 2 Locations refer to the same place (i.e. the same altitude, latitude and longitude are all equal) then using Location.Equals or == will not work.

This is because Location inherits from Object and doesn't override Equals method, which results in a simple reference equality check.

The extension method below can be used instead:

using Microsoft.Phone.Controls.Maps.Platform;
namespace DontCodeTired
    public static class LocationExtensionMethods
        public static bool IsSamePlaceAs(this Location me, Location them)
            return me.Latitude == them.Latitude &&
                   me.Longitude == them.Longitude &&
                   me.Altitude == them.Altitude;


Example usage:

    public class LocationExtensionMethodsTest
        public void ShouldRecogniseWhenTwoLocationsReferToTheSamePlace()
            var l1 = new Location {Latitude = double.MinValue, Longitude = double.MaxValue};
            var l2 = new Location { Latitude = double.MinValue, Longitude = double.MaxValue };
        public void ShouldRecogniseWhenTwoLocationsReferToDifferentPlacess()
            var l1 = new Location { Latitude = double.MinValue - double.MinValue, Longitude = double.MaxValue };
            var l2 = new Location { Latitude = double.MinValue, Longitude = double.MaxValue };




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