Search results for 'xunit'

Watch All My Pluralsight Courses For Free This Weekend "This weekend (Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th of November 2019) you can watch all my Pluralsight courses for free. You could also watch an entire skills path such as C# Unit Testing with xUnit or C# Unit T ..." Type: Post
Tags : profession, productivity, personal development
Beyond Simple Asserts with ApprovalTests In a test, we are often testing (asserting) individual items such as an (int) age is correct or a st Type: Post
Tags : approval tests, testing, qa, pluralsight courses, .net, c#
Writing Azure Functions with Function Monkey: Dependency Injection "In my continued exploration/experimentation with Function Monkey I thought I’d look at how easy/hard it is to inject dependencies into handlers. Previous articles: Creating Azure Functions with Functi ..." Type: Post
Tags : azure, azure functions, serverless, .net, C#