Blendable Silverlight (and WPF) MVVM Applications With Dependency Injection


One of the challenges with the idea of having separate developer and designers is how to allow the developers to write code while at the same time designers are working on the UI.

The goal is to give designers working in Expression Blend some sample data that they can data-bind to, that will match the runtime data items without requiring additional build scripts\etc.

The Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern is a popular way to architect a SL\WPF app to provide separation of concerns, testability, etc. This article assumes a basic understanding of the MVVM pattern.

Getting Started - Defining The ViewModel

We create an interface to define out ViewModel (we can do this for every distinct view in the application). Before we do this though, we need something to represent our model data, for example a person:

     public class Person
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Age { get; set; }

Next we can define our ViewModel interface to allow the user to edit a person's details, the idea is that our view (our XAML user control) will be bound to a class that implements this interface. All data and operations are provided by the ViewModel, i.e. the view has no direct contact with the model.

     public interface IEditPersonDetailsViewModel
        Person PersonToEdit { get; set; }

It is this interface that allows both the designer and developer to work with a single common, well-defined set of data items.

Creating Some Design-Time Data

Now we have defined what data our view will have access to, we can proceed to provide the designer with some sample data to work with.

Remember that one of the goals for us to be able to run the application without having to modify configurations or have extra scripts, i.e. we want our app to provide a 'real' ViewModel at runtime, but a 'dummy' one to the designer in Blend. One way of providing this to to implement a version of the Service Locator design pattern:

    public class ViewModelServiceLocator
        public IEditPersonDetailsViewModel GetEditPersonDetailsViewModel
                return new EditPersonDetailsViewModel_DesignTime();

The GetEditPersonDetailsViewModel property (by using a property we can bind to it in Blend) at the moment always returns an instance of  EditPersonDetailsViewModel_DesignTime, we will modify this shortly.EditPersonDetailsViewModel_DesignTime is defined as:

     public class EditPersonDetailsViewModel_DesignTime : IEditPersonDetailsViewModel
        public EditPersonDetailsViewModel_DesignTime()
            PersonToEdit = new Person()
                Name="Mr Design Time Data",

        #region IEditPersonDetailsViewModel Members

        public Person PersonToEdit { get; set; }


It is an instance of this class will provide the design time data in Blend.

Binding to Design-Time Data in Blend

(You can download a trial copy of blend from Microsoft.)

Open your project in blend and  on the Data tab choose "Define New Object Data Source...".



Select our ViewModelServiceLocator class and click OK.


Now we bind our usercontrol to an instance of ViewModelServiceLocator, you can do this by dragging from the data tab to [UserControl] in the Objects and Timeline pane:


If you look at the xaml this creates, it's basically setting the DataContext of the entire user control to the return value of the GetEditPersonDetailsViewModel property.

Now the designer can (for example) bind a textbox to the person name:

So now we have a design time ViewModel bound in Blend. If we run the app now, we would get the design time ViewModel at runtime, so the next step is to provide a 'real' ViewModel at runtime.

Providing a Runtime ViewModel

First we define our ViewModel to be used at runtime (with a hard-coded person for illustration purposes):

    public class EditPersonDetailsViewModel : IEditPersonDetailsViewModel
        public EditPersonDetailsViewModel()
            PersonToEdit = new Person()
                Name="Mr Runtime Data",

        #region IEditPersonDetailsViewModel Members

        public Person PersonToEdit{ get; set;}


We can then modify our ViewModel service locator to provide our runtime version:

    public class ViewModelServiceLocator
        public IEditPersonDetailsViewModel GetEditPersonDetailsViewModel
                if (System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool)
                    return new EditPersonDetailsViewModel_DesignTime();
                    return new EditPersonDetailsViewModel();

When we run the app we get our runtime version: 

In a real situation you could pass in the Person to be editied to the runtime viewmodel constructor and possibly use Dependency Injection to provide the dependency.

Adding Dependency Injection to the Service Locator

We can add another layer of abstraction by having the service locator delegate to a DI framework. The examples below are from another project which uses Ninject to provide DI.

    public class ViewModelServiceLocator
        public IMainViewModel GetMainViewModel
                return KernelHost.Kernel.Get<IMainViewModel>();

        public IAddNewWeightViewModel GetAddNewWeightViewModel
                return KernelHost.Kernel.Get<IAddNewWeightViewModel>();

        public IPersonDetailsViewModel GetPersonDetailsViewModel
                return KernelHost.Kernel.Get<IPersonDetailsViewModel>();



    public static class KernelHost
        static IKernel _kernel;

        static KernelHost ()
            _kernel = new StandardKernel(new DI.StandardNInjectModule());

        public static IKernel Kernel
                return _kernel;
                _kernel = value;


    public class StandardNInjectModule : StandardModule
        public override void Load()
            // For normally injected IModel resolve using the instance provided by factory

            // For when a new IModel is required (and explicitly not required from thefactory)


            Bind<IPerson>().To<Person>().WithArgument<string>("name", "No Name Specified").WithArgument<double>("heightCm",150);

            // Bind view models

#region "Blend design time view models"
            Bind<IMainViewModel>().To<MainViewModelDesignTime>().OnlyIf(x => (System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool));
            Bind<IAddNewWeightViewModel>().To<AddNewWeightViewModelDesignTime>().OnlyIf(x => (System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool));
            Bind<IPersonDetailsViewModel>().To<PersonDetailsViewModelDesignTime>().OnlyIf(x => (System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool));



Ensure Your Silverlight App Has Focus When The Page Loads

Assuming that your SL app is running in-browser, you may want your SL app to have initial focus, e.g. when it loads a splash screen, the OK button has focus.

You can help achieve this by using System.Windows.Browser.HtmlPage.Plugin.Focus(); in your loaded event handler for your usercontrol\childwindow, e.g.:


        private void ChildWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // ensure SL plugin has focus


Determine if code is currently running in Blend

You can use IsInDesignTool to change behaviour of code if it is running in a designer (Blend), e.g.

 if (System.ComponentModel.DesignerProperties.IsInDesignTool)
    // code to run if in designer
    // code to run if not in designer i.e. running actual application


ChildWindow in Silverlight 3

SL 3 introduced the ChildWindow to allow easy creation of modal 'pop-up' windows inside our main window. Once you have added a new ChildWindow to your project you can customise its appearance & content. The example below creates a ChildWindow to be used to display simple messages to users. In a full implementation you'd probably want to customise the appearance to match the colour scheme, etc of you main app - also ensure you have scroll bars appear if there is a large amount of txt, etc.


 Full XAML for our message box:

<controls:ChildWindow x:Class="blog_misc_temp.CustomMessageBox"
           Width="400" Height="300"
    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Margin="2">
            <RowDefinition />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
        <TextBlock Name="txtMessage" TextWrapping="Wrap" />       
        <Button x:Name="OKButton" Content="OK" Click="OKButton_Click" Width="75" Height="23" Grid.Row="1" />


Code behind:

namespace blog_misc_temp
    public partial class CustomMessageBox : ChildWindow
        // Simple property to allow setting of the TextBloxk text.
        // An alternative would be to bind the Text propery to this and
        // implement INotifyPropertyChanged to raise a PropertyChanged
        // event in the setter.
        public string Message
                return txtMessage.Text;
                txtMessage.Text = value;

        public CustomMessageBox()

        private void OKButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Set the result to ok/accepted (i.e. not cancelled)
            // This will cause the ChildWindow to close.
            this.DialogResult = true;


To show a pop-up message from within our main form:

            CustomMessageBox msg = new CustomMessageBox();

            msg.Title = "This is a message box"; // Title is a built-in property of ChildWindow
            msg.Message = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.";

            // Show our 'modal' ChildWindow message box as we do not have a cancel
            // button we discard the returned DialogResult